
  • Spirituality for Social Justice
    How do we stay in the fight for a more just future when the arc that bends toward justice is long? How do we maintain hope? On April 13, Join Dr. Kwok Pui Lan and the Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas for a day-long exploration of spirituality for social justice.
  • Pilgrimage
    EDS visits sites across the US, inviting participants to reflect on theology and their faith in the context of ongoing oppression.
  • Community Read: King: A Life
    In the months of December and January, the Rt. Rev. Matthew Heyd, Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of New York, and the Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas Interim President of EDS, invite their communities to read Jonathan Eig’s highly acclaimed biography of Martin Luther King Jr., King: A Life.
  • White Christian Nationalism: What to Know and How to Respond
    As the political influence of Christian nationalist ideology has grown in recent years, so has awareness of the threat it poses to democratic and religious freedoms. On February 3, join Kelly Brown Douglas and Liz Theoharis for a day-long, online seminar on this pressing topic.
  • Telling an Untold Story: The Mothers of Gynecology
    On Friday, December 15th at 10am ET, join Michelle Browder, Lead Artist and Creator of The Mothers Of Gynecology Monument, and the Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas, Interim President of EDS, for a live online conversation.
  •  "Ordain us today, along with our brothers": The Journey to Women's Ordination
    On December 9 at 10am, join the Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward, the Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool, and the Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas at St. John the Divine as they mark the 50th anniversary of Dr. Heyward and four other women deacons presenting themselves for ordination to the priesthood.
  • The 2023 Kellogg Lecture
    Mark your calendars for December 8th for the rescheduled Kellogg Lecture. This year's distinguished speaker, the Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward, will speak on the Close at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
  • James Cone in a Global Context
    On October 7, 2023, join Episcopal Divinity School for James Cone in a Global Context, a day-long online seminar exploring the impact and implications of the Rev. Dr. James Cone’s theology in the UK and across the globe.
  • Just Conversations with Kelly Brown Douglas
    In this series of interviews with scholars, activists, and thought leaders, the Rev. Dr. Douglas explores the racialized inequities intrinsic to our nation and our collective responsibility to create a more just future.
  • Community Reads
    Each semester, EDS has selected a theme and corresponding book to prompt conversations about justice issues critical for faith communities.
  • Expanding the Moral Imaginary Through Film
    In 2022, EDS was awarded a $250,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation for “Religion and Racial Justice: Expanding the Moral Imaginary Through Film.” The grant funds a two-year program that brings together a cohort of scholars, faith leaders, activists, and artists of color to explore religion and racial justice through the lens of film.
  • Anglicanism and Social Justice
    Through this program, EDS offers innovative, accessible, and transformative online theological education to clergy and lay leaders across the country.

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